Doctranslator the best AI document translator

Our new document translation service combines the precision and cultural knowledge of expert translators with the speed and technology of artificial intelligence. This tool, which has been 100% developed by doctranslator, is built on feedback from expert native translators and is based on the databases of the best AI engines.

AI has revolutionized the way in which people and companies communicate on a global scale. Which is why adapting our services to the latest and most disruptive technologies was the best way to continue providing quality solutions to our customers. This new document translation tool produces fast, accurate translations that are adapted to your needs. It ensures fluid and effective communication in any language.

Instant AI translation service

Starting from 0.002 € per word
Get AI translation
For customers with any kind of need. We offer you this online translation platform with instant Artificial Intelligence. Send your documents and our Artificial Intelligence will deliver your perfectly formatted translations in a matter of minutes. You can request the translation of anything, from a tweet to a contract or a website.

Translation service with AI

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Translation service with Artificial Intelligence for large volumes of information. Additionally, we personalize and train Artificial Intelligence engines for recurring projects to obtain the best translations for your texts. You’ll be able to maintain the uniformity and formats of your documents across all translations.

How does it work?

Upload your document

Upload your document: Select the file you wish to translate.

Select the language

Select the language: Choose the source language and the target language.

Select the desired tone, sector and style

Select the desired tone, sector and style of the translation

Receive your translation

Receive your translation: Download the translated document in just a few minutes.

Instant machine translation with AI

Add your document directly to our translation tool developed 100% by doctranslator and receive your translated document in minutes.
Translate your document
Translate PDFs, PowerPoints and 50 other formats

Translate PDFs, PowerPoints and 50 other formats

On our platform, we offer a document translation service that covers a wide range of formats, including PDF, PowerPoint, Word, Excel, and much more. This facilitates the management of our customers’ translations, maximizing the efficiency of said translations.

  • Text documents: .docx, .docm, .dotx, .dotm, .odt, .ott, .txt, .pdf, .doc, .dot, .rtf

  • Spreadsheets: .xlsx, .xlsm, .xltx, .xltm, .ods, .ots, .csv, .tsv, .numbers, .xls, .xlt

  • Presentations: .pptx, .pptm, .ppsx, .ppsm, .potx, .potm, .odp, .otp, .ppt, .pps, .pot, .key

  • Images and graphics:.jpg, .png, .gif, .bmp, .jpeg, .tif, .tiff

  • Compressed, .rar

  • Others:.html, .htm, .xml, .epub, xhtml, .md, .markdown, .xlf, .xliff, .sdlxliff, .po, .ttx, .txml, .xini, .mif, .idml, .icml, .dita, .xml, .dtd, .json, .yaml, .php, .properties, .ts, .resx, .wix, .strings, .srt, .vtt, .sbv
Why use AI to translate?

Why use AI to translate?

Thanks to our tool that has been exclusively developed by doctranslator, we are able to offer professional translations with

  • Broad compatibility: We accept over 50 document formats, ensuring that you’re able to translate any file hassle-free.

  • Guaranteed quality: Our AI-based tool guarantees high-quality, coherent translations.

  • Fast and efficient: Obtain your translated documents in record time without sacrificing quality.

  • Security and confidentiality: We keep your documents secure and confidential at all times.
How can we help you?
Contact us for more information on how we can help you.